Thursday, June 15, 2017

WORS 3 - Camrock 2017 Report

 While others were off performing a Borah Epic, my son and I took a detour south to hit the trails of Camrock.  It was a beautiful day!  Temperatures were steady at 95 and humid.  Should I have used a camelbak or bottles?  It really doesn't matter when it's this hot.  My hope was to go into the race well hydrated and with just enough rest to survive and beat that Loft and Shove dude who was all Spoked Up.  Going into the weekend I was just coming off of a build block.  My plan is to taper and peak for the Midwest Championships in July.

For the last 8 years I've been racing on multiple hard tails and just by accident a Top Fuel 9.8SL fell into my lap two weeks ago.  This weekend would be its official baptism and test of worth.  The course was dry and fast.  The start goes uphill like most WORS races and filters into single track when everyone is out of breath.
My goals for this race were zero crashes, beat that Spoke dude, have consistent lap times, and get a podium.  The Top Fuel was fast and ate up the terrain without any effort from me.  Surprisingly, all four laps were clean, but lacking in the power necessary for a podium.  The heat did not affect me much, but lap traffic was an issue causing gaps between the leaders of my group.  Overall, this was a great race for me.  Fifteen riders DNF'd due to the heat and I almost got a podium.  My legs will be on fire for Nordic Mountain, the Firecracker, and peaking for the Midwest Championships.  Thanks to Gary and Extreme Photography for the great pics, and all of my devoted 2017 Sponsors. 


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