Monday, May 1, 2017

Wild Rild Buzzard Buster Report

Twas a remarkably cloudy, cold, and muddy day at Levis Mounds, Hatfield WI.  Almost decided not to go at the last minute due to my below 50 degree TEMPS phobia.  It was so nice the weekend before when it hit 80 degrees and than this stuff happens.  

Anyways, I needed to get a race in before WORS Englewood and piled into the van with the kid to Hatfield, WI.

Though a Camelbak would have been used better, my VeeTire bottles served well keeping my thrist quenched. Vee Tire Co Sr 2017
Didn't really know what to expect since I haven't been to Levis Mounds in a couple of years.  Would there be rock gardens, drops, river crossings?  Turns out there were also COWS unregistered to race, but they were immediately disqualified and quietly told to leave, though they showed up later on in the day to show greater defiance.

 I got registered to do the 3 hour and got my gear together.  My main goal was to put in 4 laps, not crash, practice passing, and get some early season race efforts into my training.  The race started out with a running start.  I hate starts like this, because of my funny running style and lack of speed.  The mechanical hip also doesn't work very well when its cold outside.  After what seemed to be a 3k run to my bike, I hammered down just to get bottle necked into the skinniest leadout and longest climb to a race start I've seen in a long time.  Should have done a little bit of homework before the race.
First lap was my slowest due to start, but each lap after was very consistant and only varried by less than a minute.  Felt great and put in the result I was hoping for.  Though I did do 4 laps, I think my fitness/Stamina could have pushed me to do 3 more at that 3 hour intesity.  Body is reacting well so far!

Thanks to all the organizers and bike enthusiasts that made the day very fun!  Special props to teamate Joshua Blum for taking home the fastest 4 laps on a Single Speed.  No one turns a single gear over quicker that JB, represently Smith's Bike Shop out of La crosse. 

Skratch Labs Sr 2017 had my insides feeling good both before, at the end of race, and when the race was finished.  They are my go to for protein and complex carbs before/during, and after a race.

For more information concerning Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series across our great State, follow the link below.

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